Διακρισεις του Soke του Bujinkan Dr.Masaaki Hatsumi
Noda City. Education & Culture Service Award
Self Defense Forces, Police Department, Fire Department
Many Letters of Appreciation
World Cultural Grand Prize: Martial Arts Division for 2000, World Peace and Culture Association
Contributed as Bugei Researcher and Producer/Director for the Arts in Japan
Apostolic Blessing awarded by His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the Vatican, April 2001
America National Department of Defense. Certificate of Friendship
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. Certificate of Friendship
Euro technical Research University. Ph.D. (Science)
Euro technical Research University. Ph.D. (Philosophy)
State of Texas. Honorary Resident
City of Atlanta. Honorary Resident
City of Los Angeles. Honorary Resident
State of New Mexico . Honorary Resident
Presidential Sports Conference. Minister's Award
Atlanta Olympic Conference. Letter of Appreciation
State of New Jersey. Japanese Culture Association - Certificate
President Clinton. Certificate of Friendship
Former President Bush. Certificate of Friendship
Former President Reagan. Certificate of Friendship
Black Belt Magazine. 1986 Instructor of the Year
Washington Senator Mr. Paul Saben. Certificate of Friendship
State of Maryland, Howard County. District Head Charles Ecker
State of Georgia Governor 1992. Certificate of Friendship
State of Georgia Governor 1994. Certificate of Friendship
New York Budokai. Rank of Seibu Master
City of New York Kobudo Research Association. Letter of Appreciation
State of Texas Governor. Service Award
Washington Senator Mrs. Barbara McFusky. Certificate of Friendship
Congressman Mr. Benjamin Carter. Certificate of Friendship
Sports Minister Award
Barton Village. Honorary Resident
State of Georgia Governor 1990. Certificate
Hillsdale University. Leadership Certificate
Texas Rangers. Honorary Member
State of New Jersey. Certificate from Japanese
Culture and Art Society
Prime Minister Major. Certificate of Friendship
Minister of Culture Award
London Police Department Award
London Environment Agency. Letter of Appreciation
Manchester University Institue of Bone Medicine. Special Honorary Member
S.A.S. England Special Forces. Certificate of Friendship
London Ambassador. London Summit Secrecy Institution Chairman's Award
Royal Marines (England Navy). Certificate of Friendship
President Mitterand. Certificate of Friendship
German National Historical Culture Federation. Knight
Berlin. Secretary of State's Award
Berlin. Senate Sports Award
Japan-Germany Friendship Association
(31-Member Bodies. Japan-Germany Association Certificate
City of Wuttenshuraise. Certificate of Friendship
King Juan Carlos. Certificate of Friendship
(Military) Decoration
Information Bureau Department Minister's Award
National Police Department. Letter of Appreciation
Catalonia Minister's Award
Spain Kickboxing Association. Certificate
Canary Islands Air Base Command. Certificate of Friendship
Canary Deldei City. Congressional Certificate
City of Dublin. Honorary Resident
Ireland Budo Association Award
North Ireland:
City of Belfast. Certificate of Friendship
Brett College (Montreal, Quebec)
Foreign Language Institute. Honorary Award
Jordan Valley. Honorary Resident
Israel Air Force. Certificate of Friendship
State of New South Wales. Certificate from Premier John Fahey
State of South Australia. Certificate from Premier John Bannon
National Diet. Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Noda City. Education & Culture Service Award
Self Defense Forces, Police Department, Fire Department
Many Letters of Appreciation
World Cultural Grand Prize: Martial Arts Division for 2000, World Peace and Culture Association
Contributed as Bugei Researcher and Producer/Director for the Arts in Japan
Apostolic Blessing awarded by His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the Vatican, April 2001
America National Department of Defense. Certificate of Friendship
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. Certificate of Friendship
Euro technical Research University. Ph.D. (Science)
Euro technical Research University. Ph.D. (Philosophy)
State of Texas. Honorary Resident
City of Atlanta. Honorary Resident
City of Los Angeles. Honorary Resident
State of New Mexico . Honorary Resident
Presidential Sports Conference. Minister's Award
Atlanta Olympic Conference. Letter of Appreciation
State of New Jersey. Japanese Culture Association - Certificate
President Clinton. Certificate of Friendship
Former President Bush. Certificate of Friendship
Former President Reagan. Certificate of Friendship
Black Belt Magazine. 1986 Instructor of the Year
Washington Senator Mr. Paul Saben. Certificate of Friendship
State of Maryland, Howard County. District Head Charles Ecker
State of Georgia Governor 1992. Certificate of Friendship
State of Georgia Governor 1994. Certificate of Friendship
New York Budokai. Rank of Seibu Master
City of New York Kobudo Research Association. Letter of Appreciation
State of Texas Governor. Service Award
Washington Senator Mrs. Barbara McFusky. Certificate of Friendship
Congressman Mr. Benjamin Carter. Certificate of Friendship
Sports Minister Award
Barton Village. Honorary Resident
State of Georgia Governor 1990. Certificate
Hillsdale University. Leadership Certificate
Texas Rangers. Honorary Member
State of New Jersey. Certificate from Japanese
Culture and Art Society
Prime Minister Major. Certificate of Friendship
Minister of Culture Award
London Police Department Award
London Environment Agency. Letter of Appreciation
Manchester University Institue of Bone Medicine. Special Honorary Member
S.A.S. England Special Forces. Certificate of Friendship
London Ambassador. London Summit Secrecy Institution Chairman's Award
Royal Marines (England Navy). Certificate of Friendship
President Mitterand. Certificate of Friendship
German National Historical Culture Federation. Knight
Berlin. Secretary of State's Award
Berlin. Senate Sports Award
Japan-Germany Friendship Association
(31-Member Bodies. Japan-Germany Association Certificate
City of Wuttenshuraise. Certificate of Friendship
King Juan Carlos. Certificate of Friendship
(Military) Decoration
Information Bureau Department Minister's Award
National Police Department. Letter of Appreciation
Catalonia Minister's Award
Spain Kickboxing Association. Certificate
Canary Islands Air Base Command. Certificate of Friendship
Canary Deldei City. Congressional Certificate
City of Dublin. Honorary Resident
Ireland Budo Association Award
North Ireland:
City of Belfast. Certificate of Friendship
Brett College (Montreal, Quebec)
Foreign Language Institute. Honorary Award
Jordan Valley. Honorary Resident
Israel Air Force. Certificate of Friendship
State of New South Wales. Certificate from Premier John Fahey
State of South Australia. Certificate from Premier John Bannon
National Diet. Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship
Certificate of Friendship